Tradition Seven
Every group ought to be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions.
"Group contributions support all levels of Al-Anon Service including the District, the local Al-Anon Information Service (AIS/Intergroup), the Area and the World Service Office (WSO)."
(pg. 53 Al-Anon/Alateen Service Manual 2022-2025)
A Quick Message from the Web Editor
We are currently experiencing some problems with some of our buttons. If the buttons below are not working for you, please try using the “Text Link“ above the button. Thank you for your patience while we seek to address these issues.
Donate to AIS
Text Link: Donate to AIS
Donate to WSO
Text Link: Donate to WSO
Donate to WA Area
Text Link: Donate to WA Area
Donate to Districts
District 14
AFG District 14, Attn Jane R
PO Box 1321
Auburn, WA 98002Make checks payable to:
District 14 AFG
Note your group # on the check
Please also note group NAME on your return address or name on the check.or
District 15
AFG District 15
13110 NE 177th Pl #1091
Woodinville, WA 98072or
email district15@seattle-al-anon.org for Venmo information
District 16
AFG District 16
PO Box 42
Redmond, WA 98073-0042 -
District 17
E-mail district17@seattle-al-anon.org
to request address
District 18
E-mail district18@seattle-al-anon.org
to request address
District 19
E-mail to district19@seattle-al-anon.org
to request address
District 20
District 20 Al-Anon
300 Lenora Street PMB 6247
Seattle, WA 98121 -
District 21
District 21
c/o Jennifer C.
4730 University Way NE
Ste-104 #2007
Seattle, WA 98105 -
District 22
E-mail district22@seattle-al-anon.org
to request address