
Al-Anon/Alateen Conference Approved Literature and service materials help members to continue their recovery between meetings and gain insight into themselves and the principles of the Al-Anon/Alateen program. It is written by and for our members and goes through a review process by numerous Al-Anon members to assure that it conveys the program in a consistent and comprehensive manner.

Literature orders ship the Thursday after payment is received, and the shipping time is normally 1-2 days in the greater Seattle area. 

By purchasing your literature from our Greater Seattle Al-Anon office, you provide financial support for our efforts to reach out to and serve those affected by the family disease of alcoholism in the greater Seattle area.

​Thank you for your support!

The items pictured below are just a sampling of items in stock at our Seattle AIS Literature Distribution Center. We stock the full range of books, pamphlets, guidelines and other Al-Anon publications. Our order form contains our full listing of the items that we stock.

The Basics

the basic Al-Anon principles and tools of recovery

  • How Al-Anon Works

    Al-Anon's basic book discusses our mutual-help program of recovery, including personal stories.

  • Paths to Recovery

    Thorough study guide for our Legacies. In-depth chapters on each Step, Tradition, and Concept of Service provide insight.

Daily Readers

books for daily reflection, prayer, and meditation

  • Hope for Today

    Daily sharings from Al-Anon's adult children members are for anyone who wants to grow in acceptance, compassion, and understanding.

  • Courage to Change

    More daily inspiration from a fresh, diverse perspective. Insightful reflections reveal surprisingly simple things that can transform lives.

  • One Day at a Time in Al-Anon

    An Al-Anon classic! Inspirational readings relate Al-Anon philosophy to everyday situations, helping to make each day better than the one before.

  • A Little Time for Myself

    Al-Anon's latest daily reader shares the personal experiences and many voices of the Al-Anon fellowship today, illustrating that Al-Anon is indeed for anyone affected by someone else's drinking.


guided studies of our legacies

  • Reaching for Personal Freedom Workbook

    A workbook for using Al-Anon's Twelve Steps, Traditions, and Concepts of Service in one's personal life, it provides insightful examples from members and thought-provoking questions.

  • Paths to Recovery Workbook

    This companion piece to Paths to Recovery contains thought-provoking questions on each Step, Tradition, and Concept of Service found in the book, with space to write answers.

  • Blueprint for Progress Workbook

    Workbook for conducting an in-depth Fourth Step inventory, including sections on fear, anger, control, intimacy, sex, finances, and spirituality.

Continued Growth

books for digging deeper into the Al-Anon program

  • Discovering Choices

    Recovery in relationships affected by alcoholism is explored in-depth as members share how they have improved a wide variety of relationships by using the program's tools.

  • From Survival to Recovery

    Al-Anon adult children tell their stories. Explores the long-term effects of being raised with alcoholism, and why Al-Anon can help.

  • Opening Our Hearts, Transforming Our Losses

    Grief and loss affect almost every aspect of living-or having lived-with alcoholism. Members share how they have learned to acknowledge and accept these losses.

  • Al-Anon's Twelve Steps & Twelve Traditions

    Our first two Legacies, the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, come alive through essays, reflections, and members' stories.

  • As We Understood

    Spirituality, Al-Anon style. Members share their understanding of the spiritual ideas and tools of the Al-Anon program.

  • The Dilemma of the Alcoholic Marriage

    Help for the spouse in dealing with problems in alcoholic relationships. Discusses anger, communication, sex, and more.

  • Intimacy in Alcoholic Relationships

    In Intimacy in Alcoholic Relationships: A Collection of Al-Anon Personal Stories (B-33), members share their challenges with all aspects of intimacy–physical, emotional and spiritual–in all relationships affected by the family illness of alcoholism.

  • Healing within Our Alcoholic Relationships

    This 48-page booklet captures the essence of the Al‑Anon program in a series of brief but powerful messages of timeless wisdom, adapted from Al‑Anon literature on relationships, including The Dilemma of the Alcoholic Marriage (B-4). It is perfect for newcomers or anyone needing to “Keep It Simple” and get back to basics.


the basic books for Alateens

  • Alateen: Hope for Children of Alcoholics

    Basic introductory book for teens affected by someone else's drinking. Easy-to-understand explanation of alcoholism and the Alateen program.

  • Courage to Be Me

    Alateen's most comprehensive book, filled with shared recovery from Alateen members. Includes workshops for group discussions.

Alateen Daily Readers

books for daily reflection, prayer, and meditation

  • Alateen - A Day at a Time

    Daily help for teens. Positive sharings from Alateen members around the world.

  • Living Today in Alateen

    Alateen's second daily reader shows how members practice the program right now, today.


  • Al-Anon Faces Alcoholism

    Al-Anon Faces Alcoholism magazine is our public outreach magazine designed to introduce families of alcoholics to Al-Anon and to the importance of family recovery from a relative or friend's drinking. Essential information about Al-Anon, members’ stories, and articles by professionals are included. Professionals also can use the Al-Anon Faces Alcoholism magazine as an aid for their patient/client referrals to Al-Anon.

  • The Forum

    Al-Anon’s monthly magazine features timely sharings from Al-Anon and Alateen members, suggested meeting topics, and the latest information on worldwide Al-Anon recovery.