New to Al-Anon

How can Al-Anon help me?

Do I belong here?

Many of us have wondered if we belong in Al-Anon. Take this short quiz to see if this is the place for you.

Take a look at these Frequently Asked Questions from new members.

“Someone Close to Me Has a Drug Problem”

Al-Anon Family Groups have one focus: to help friends and families of alcoholics.  Al‑Anon’s most recent membership survey reported, however, that 35 percent of Al‑Anon members first came to Al‑Anon Family Groups because of a friend or relative who had a drug problem.  The survey also showed that 78 percent of these members eventually came to realize that someone’s drinking had also negatively affected their lives.

Do you ever wonder: “How can I help my problem drinker quit drinking?”
Family members have the opportunity to learn from the experiences of others who have faced similar problems.

Read more.

What happens at a meeting?

Our meetings provide comfort to those suffering from the effects of alcoholism in a friend or family member. Alcoholism is a complex problem, with many related issues.  At every Al-Anon meeting, you can hear people explain how Al‑Anon worked for them.  Al-Anon can help you learn how to cope with the challenges of someone else’s drinking. 

There are more than 80 Al-Anon/Alateen meetings in King County every week including meetings for Spanish speakers, women, men, LBGTQ+, and members needing childcare.  Alateen meetings are for teens dealing with the effects of alcoholism. No two meetings are alike so you are encouraged to try different meetings to find the one that is just right for you. 

Free Resources

Free Newcomer Packets are available in both English and Spanish to any individuals in King County and Edmonds. The process is simple. Just fill out this form and a packet will be sent to you free of charge. (Available in English and Spanish)

Al‑Anon Faces Alcoholism includes articles by Al‑Anon members and professionals who share their personal perspective on how Al‑Anon Family Groups can help people troubled by someone else’s drinking.

Are you a Teen?

Teens come together to share experiences to find effective ways to cope with problems. Teen page

Learn more and connect with local members.

Still have questions or want to connect with a member?
call or text: 206-625-0000