How do members get flyers for special events?
Members can view and print flyers from our Events page. Click on the image of the flyer and it will open a printable .pdf file. Choose either black and white or color in your printer menu.
What is considered a special event?
Special events are not a regular weekly meeting in its regular format or the business meeting of a service arm. The event must be sponsored by an Al-Anon service arm.
Where do we send flyers for our upcoming events so they can be included on the website?
What file format should we send our flyers in?
.pdf (We will accept .docx if you are unable to send a .pdf.)
What are other specifications that we should know about when creating our event flyer?
Please create them 8-1/2" wide x 11" high in portrait mode (vertical).
Can I include my name, phone number, or email on the flyer?
No. The 2022-2025 Al-Anon/Alateen Service Manual states: "These outreach posters may appear on the internet provided that no member's name, phone number, or other identifying information appears , so that anonymity is maintained." (page 123) Your home or business email and physical mailing address (except PO Boxes) are also considered personally identifying information. Because our website is public, we strictly follow these rules.
Anything else I should know about flyers?
Yes. Color or black and white will work, but color will get more attention on the website and allow for a Group copy to be printed in color if desired. If designing in color, make sure it also looks good printed in black and white for those who can't or choose not to print in color.
When is the deadline for submitting flyers?
There is no deadline. You can send them anytime. In general, they will be posted to the website within a week of submission.
Still have questions?
Please email us. We are here to serve our members.
Quick Tip:
Before scheduling an event, you may want to check the Events Calendar to make sure your event is not conflicting with an Area, AIS or District event.