July 2024

Print the Bits


by Theodore L

The October 19th reading in Courage to Change is a story about a person who needed to find a place to live in a new city. With limited time before the move, they were becoming frantic. At a meeting they realized that “Listening to others share about taking care of our responsibilities and trusting a Higher Power with the rest, I was reminded that I could only do my best. I could do the footwork, but I couldn’t force the house to appear.”

It’s important for me to remember that “Let Go and Let God” does not remove my responsibility to do the footwork. To take the actions that ARE within my abilities and to trust that my Higher Power will supply the inspiration to solve the rest.

I look for my Higher Power’s inspiration because rarely does some miraculous solution appear. For me, most often, I hear someone else’s solution, a solution that I never thought of and think “Oh, WOW! That might work for me too.” I find my Higher Power’s inspiration in someone sharing in a meeting or in my Al-Anon readings.

Sometimes it’s a direct solution I never thought of, but in many cases it’s the encouragement to take the next indicated step without knowing the steps beyond and trusting that “more will be revealed.”

Photo by Soren S

That’s a Wrap,

a Weekend of Fellowship

by David H

Sixty-three men attended the forty-first Kent All Men’s Al-Anon Fort Worden Weekend on the weekend of June 7 – 9, 2024, an impressive increase of participants over last year. Even more significant were the fifteen newcomers, a number that no one could remember having reached in past retreats. It was a continued upturn in attendance from the recent past and a powerful confirmation of the Twelfth Step at work.

The cost of the event provided lodging, food, an agenda of sports, speakers, and break-out meetings, as well as, plenty of free time to roam the state park and the adjacent streets of Port Townsend. The weather is usually good, and this year didn’t disappoint, although Saturday night did have a bit of chill for the brat barbeque and the Saturday night beach meeting. This old guy can’t remember a year when the food provided by the Fort Worden Commons crew wasn’t good, and the current year was no exception. Snacks of dubious nutritional value were also piled on tables outside the main meeting room—a feast for every taste.

The break-out meetings provided plenty of heart-felt, needed sharing. This year, the topics were chosen by popular demand, a Keep It Simple solution that amazingly worked well. Men were asked to write their topic wishes on sign-up sheets and indicate their willingness to lead the session. The Retreat organizers (thank you guys for all you did!) culled out duplicates and wrote the sessions on Easel pads: Self Care, The Man I Show Versus the Man I Am, Letting Go, and Not Reacting were just a few of the sessions.

A memorable Step Two moment for this man was a mighty serenity prayer in unison by sixty men at the end of a meeting in the main hall. Another was a question asked for each of us to answer: What are your hobbies? It reminded us to keep the focus on ourselves as we move through recovery in our Al-Anon spiritual program.

Of course, there were awards for participation in the hike up Mt. Townsend (pieces of the mountain were given to hikers) and in the golf games, where twelve men and three teams managed to get twenty-eight mulligans!

As always, the closing ceremony was followed by a lot of hugs as men piled into their rides for the trip back home.

Photo by Allen L

Step Seven

Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings.

Photo by Soren S

Seeking the next BITS Newsletter Editor

by Clif H

It’s hard to believe that it has already been two and a half years that I have been editing and publishing the BITS. As with many service activities within Al-Anon, it is appropriate to share service opportunities amongst the membership. Therefore, the Greater Seattle Al-Anon Information Services (AIS) is seeking candidates for the next BITS Newsletter Editor.

Personally, this has been an extremely important part of my recovery. My journey into this service work began when I started attending the AIS Council Meetings, rather on a whim. As I was approaching working Step 12 with my sponsor, he suggested that perhaps another step I could take on my recovery journey would be to attend the council meetings simply as an observer. It was not necessary to hold a formal group position to attend, in fact, every member is welcome and invited to attend. So, I looked on the AIS website, identified the Zoom information for the monthly meeting, and began attending. What I found was an amazing group of volunteers working to fulfill the mission of the Seattle AIS, to paraphrase: the AIS serves the Districts within the Seattle area, the Groups within those Districts, and the public in providing Al-Anon recovery information. After I had been attending for a while, the Editor at that time informed the Council that his term of service was coming to an end and was therefore seeking his replacement. By then, I had written a couple of articles for inclusion in the newsletter. So, I threw my name in the hat and was selected as the next BITS Newsletter Editor.

photo by Clif H

You may by now be wondering what the responsibilities are as the Newsletter Editor. Each month you collect inputs from various contributors, as well as, review the AIS website for appropriate material for inclusion. Every input goes through an editorial process that involves checking to ensure that the material follows the Al-Anon legacies, is well-written grammatically, and is appropriate content. As with all of Al-Anon, you are not alone, others are available to assist with these tasks. You may also choose to write your own articles and create content of your own. As the content is completed, the next step is to compile the material in the web tool, formatting everything into the final newsletter format. Additionally, you become a voting member of the AIS Council.

Explore your creativity.

If you are interested in the opportunity to become the next BITS Newsletter Editor, feel free to reach out to me at newslettereditor@seattle-al-anon.org.

From the

My gut is reeling,
I don't like the feeling.

My swim-lane forced to expand.

Through years of program work,
I've learned to be less of a jerk.

Stay in my lane, my personal self demand. 

Time moves on,
I've become a willing pawn.

My parents’ Higher Powers intervene.

Today I leverage more,
Program principles like never before.

To keep my amends list clean.

3nd Annual Garden Party – ICE CREAM SOCIAL

August 18, 2024, 2-5pm

Get ready for another delightful summer gathering as AIS proudly presents the Third Annual Ice Cream Social! This cherished event is a perfect opportunity to savor the season, enjoy scrumptious ice cream sundaes or root beer floats, and reconnect with both old and new Al-Anon friends. Mark your calendars for Sunday, August 18, from 2 to 5 pm at the All Pilgrims Church in the vibrant Capitol Hill neighborhood.

Building on last year’s success, we’re excited to bring back AIS Bingo, designed to encourage mingling and fun. Sharpen your bingo skills for a chance to pick from our special literature basket if you score five squares in a row. Plus, one lucky attendee will take home the (almost) brand-new daily reader, “A Little Time for Myself,” at our 4:00 pm drawing. Don’t worry if you miss out; there will be plenty of copies available for purchase. The Literature Distribution Center will also be stocked with a vast array of Conference-Approved Al-Anon pamphlets and books in both English and Spanish. You can buy them on the spot or order ahead for convenient pickup.

Last year’s event featured a treasure trove of archival items, including duplicate Forums and publications spanning 20 to 50 years, along with speakers on cassette tapes. We still have some nostalgic gems waiting for those who appreciate a walk down memory lane.

No ice cream social would be complete without indulgent ice cream sundaes and root beer floats, and we have plenty to satisfy your sweet tooth. Enjoy as many trips to the ice cream table as you like—we won’t judge, we’re Al-Anon’s after all, and we believe in “live and let live.”

Parking is a breeze with free street parking available on Sundays. Additionally, there’s paid parking in the building across Broadway from the church and at QFC. Whether the sun is shining, or the skies are overcast, we have ample space inside the church hall to accommodate everyone comfortably.

We can’t wait to see you there for an afternoon of fun, friendship, and fabulous treats!




Hybrid Fall Assembly

We are happy to announce - WA Area Hybrid Assemblies coming in 2024! AND, exciting new service positions enabling hybrid assemblies have been created! Basic technology skills needed. You will train and work as a team member and ensure the Assembly is a success for all participants. Volunteers will be reimbursed for their travel and lodging expenses (shared rooms, shared travel, etc.).

We want to get as early a start on the process as possible in building a strong team - so please step up to these new service positions now!

We will need three volunteers and three alternates for the following in-person roles:

1) Audio/Video Volunteer (runs the sound board and coordinates the sound board input to Zoom, monitors video cameras and mini-PCs)

2) In-room Zoom Volunteer (Zoom, voting, waiting room, chat monitor, breakout rooms, Zoom naming monitor, calling on zoom speakers)

3) Zoom voting volunteer (Zoom roll call, motions, polls; also available for troubleshooting)

NOTE: Since these are technical roles, volunteers need to be able to focus on these tech roles only - they should not be participating GRs or DRs.

If you are interested or have questions, please email
George S., WA Area Meeting Technology Coordinator at:


Tradition Seven

Every group ought to be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions.

Need a Free Newcomer Packet?

Anyone local to Seattle who is a newcomer and wants an individual newcomer packet (or in Spanish, too!), please submit your request via the New To Al-Anon page, or send an email to outreach@seattle-al-anon.org with the name and mailing address.

Has Your Meeting Changed?​

  • Gone back to meeting in person

  • Become hybrid or concurrent

  • Has a new physical location

  • Made other changes that members need to know about

  • Has an alternate Holiday Schedule

  • ​Has disbanded​

​Please submit all meeting changes to the WA Area Group Records Coordinator by using the form at https://wa-al-anon.org/group-records-request-a-change/

Changes and Updates are made Weekly.

(Seattle AIS is automatically cc'd in the change request)

 If you have any questions or concerns regarding the Seattle AIS updated meeting schedule, ​please contact meetingdirectoryeditor@seattle-al-anon.org ​

2024 Washington Area Event Schedule

WAAC: July 19-21

AWSC: August 3


Requesting Phone Volunteers

Contact the Phones Coordinator

Phones@seattle-al-anon.org or call/text 206-625-0000

Concept of the Month

by Allen L

Concept Seven

The Trustees have legal rights while the rights of the Conference are traditional.

At first reading, many of the Concepts appear to be solely directed toward the administration of Al-Anon. A deeper reading has shown me that these Concepts can lead to better, more harmonious relationships at home and at work.

Just as the Board of Trustees has complete legal power over Al‑Anon’s funds and services, there are parts of my home and work life where I have clearly defined authority. Since I will be held legally responsible for how a car registered to me is used, then I have a legal right to control who can use the car.

Traditional rights, on the other hand, are supported by established custom. While there is no legal requirement that children do chores around the house, over generations this practice had become a parent’s prerogative.

The Al-Anon/Alateen Service Manual includes the following statement: “Experience shows that this balance of powers between the Trustees and the WSC is thoroughly workable. This balance can be maintained indefinitely, because one is protected by tradition and the other by law.” (p.195)

This works for Al-Anon at all levels because both the Trustees and the World Service Conference respect the rights and responsibilities of the other. In exactly the same way, I can use the concept of legal and traditional rights to balance the decisions of my family and at work.

Photo by Soren S

Concept Seven

The Trustees have legal rights while the rights of the Conference are traditional.

AIS Council Meeting

The next Council meeting is Thursday, July 11th, 2024, 7:30-9:00 pm. Check the AIS website calendar (https://www.seattle-al-anon.org/events) for the zoom link.  

​AIS Board Meeting

​Thursday, July 18th, 2024 at 7:00-8:30 pm. Check the AIS website calendar (https://www.seattle-al-anon.org/events) for the zoom link.

2024 Board Meeting Schedule

July 18 7:00 - 8:30 PM

October 17       7:00 - 8:30 PM

Today Has Enough Trouble of Its Own

In my experience, life can go from zero to insanity in a split-second, living with active alcoholism. It often depends on the mood and intoxication level of the alcoholic. There can be days of fairly stable behavior, and then blatant irrationality and acting out rears up unannounced!

If I slow down and take life “One Day at a Time,” the situation tends to become more manageable. There is so much wisdom packed in a nutshell within that slogan. Although originally attached to sobriety and taking life in 24-hour chunks within AA, it has multifaceted applications for everyday life. I have found it to be a key to maintaining my Al-Anon journey, and bringing me back to serenity, when things become chaotic and overwhelming.

The Bible has advice that mirrors the slogan: “Therefore do not be anxious for tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” This gets me thinking about who is owning the “trouble” or “problems” that have manifested around alcoholism?

 In the Al-Anon publication, Alcoholism: A Merry Go Round Named Denial, I believe I have consistently found myself in one of the roles described in the pamphlet: “This character might also be called the Adjuster; she is constantly adjusting to the crises and trouble caused by drinking.” Mic drop! Once again, I realize it is time to take some personal inventory around Step One!

Step One: We admitted we were powerless over alcohol—that our lives had become unmanageable. Too often my life turns into unmanageability around the problems and double binds presented by the effects of alcoholism on a loved one. Step One reminds me that I am powerless over alcohol and the manifestations of alcohol over those ensnared in its grip!

Photo by Callie D

Looking through the lens of how I have fallen into the role of “The Adjuster,” I can better view myself and my actions without judgment. This more objective approach helps me figure out the areas that need work. The water can get so muddy with fear and guilt when I attempt to pull back from doing things for the alcoholic. In addition, I am often met with hostility and anger when I don’t do everything the alcoholic mandates.

However, I’m not exactly detaching from them as a person. I am distancing myself from the consequences of their poor choices and behaviors that often culminate into some kind of crises. I strive to retire the cape of “The Adjuster” and become the superhero in my own life!

Another helpful reminder about responsibility is Al-Anon’s Three C’s: ”I didn’t cause it, I can’t control it, and I can’t cure it!”

Subscribe to The Forum

Al-Anon’s monthly magazine features timely sharing’s from Al-Anon and Alateen members, suggested meeting topics, and the latest information on worldwide Al-Anon recovery. Experience and insight you won’t find anywhere else!

June 2024 AIS Council Meeting Minutes (Summary, not yet approved)

Seattle Al-Anon Information Service Council Minutes June 13, 2024 7:30-9:00 pm

Meeting opened at 7:30 pm by Dave M - Chair

In attendance: 16 attendees

Serenity Prayer


Readings:  Concept 6-Dave M

Secretary Report: Kathy K - Approval of the May minutes

Chair Report: Dave M

Lois Birthday 2025: Space has been reserved at St. Andrews Church in Bellevue for 3/8/25 from 5-9 pm.

Given summer plans and travel with projected absences, he would like to propose that the AIS office remain open, publish the newsletter, and answer the phones and outreach but not tackle big new projects until the fall.

Vice Chair Report: Arden C

She, Dave, and Linda staffed the open house this month. 7 people Attended and there were $270.80 in literature sales.

Treasurer’s Report: Gary H - AIS remains in good financial shape.

Coordinator Reports:

Phones: Heather R

Contact: phones@seattle-al-anon.org or can just call or text the AIS phone number 206-625-0000 to volunteer.


We have 18 trained volunteers.

VOLUNTEERING NEEDS: Let your home groups know there is an article in the May BITS that gives specifics on what it is like to volunteer.

There are 4 primary day shifts that receive the most calls:

7-10am (1 volunteer covers this shift 3/4 of the time each month)


1-4pm and 4-7pm. She would love to get more mid-day volunteers.

LDC: Mary R - It was a slow month for book sales.

Communications: MJ

Evelyn is ending her time as Web editor at the end of the month. Clif’s term as Newsletter editor comes to conclusion at the end of the year. She would like a way to recognize their efforts. She has been frustrated regarding the lack of clarity regarding meeting changes and PEMs.

Tech: Pierre J - (Absent but sent in a written report which is summarized below)

On the tech side, this past month I had a couple of support requests and updates for the AIS distribution lists. 

He is attending to personal issues and has not had time to work on the chat bot and will delay this until mid-August unless someone else wants to pick it up.

The change to GoDaddy has gone well.  

Outreach: Solveig W (Absent so sent her report)

It was a slow month, but she did send out 4 newcomer packets.  

Old Business:

Ice Cream Social - discussed under Vice Chair report

New Business:

Zoom best practices: Heather has been contacted re a recent zoom bombing in one of our districts. There has been quite a bit written in this regard on forums etc. Kathy will check the AFG Connects Global Forum as there is information that may be useful locally.

Heather has been in contact with AA in regard to deaf interpreters and how meetings are funding them.

Search Engine Optimization for the Website: More will be revealed

AIS Service Recognition: Dave would like us to brainstorm ideas but not discussed further 

Seventh tradition


Next Council Meeting
July 11, at 7:30 PM

Next Board Meeting
July 18, 2024, at 7:00 pm

Adjournment: Al-Anon Declaration

Respectfully submitted by:
Kathy K, Secretary

Thank you for your donations and your support of AIS!

Our funding now comes primarily from:

  • Donations by Members, Groups, and Districts

  • Literature Sales

Please send all AIS mail, including checks for literature orders and donations, to:

Seattle AIS

505 Broadway E #400

Seattle, WA 98102-5023

​Donate Now

And More ...

MEETING SCHEDULE: Registered Al-Anon groups in the Greater Seattle Area. Hybrid, Concurrent, and in-person meetings are listed.

Please visit our Member Resources section for the most up-to-date information on:

  • List of AIS Officers and Coordinators

  • Where to Send Donations

  • District Representatives and Business Meeting Information

  • AIS Financial Information​

  • Calendar of Events

Meeting News 

News from the Meeting Directory Editor

Meeting changes received since those reported in the June BITS.

• Monday, 7:30 PM Richmond Beach, login information changes (5/31)

• Saturday, 10:00 AM Saturday Morning AFG, corrected Zoom link (6/7)

• Thursday, 6:30 PM Women Living in Focus AFG, added childcare (6/12)

• Thursday, 7:00 PM New Horizons AFG, in person only (6/17)

• Tuesday, 7:15 PM Bothell Tuesday Niters AFG, Childcare suspended until September (6/17)

• Wednesday, 7:00 AM Ballard Hope for Today AFG, new name (6/20)

• Mon, Wed, Fri, 7:00 AM Hope for Today AFG, now electronic group in D 21 (6/20)

Seattle Al-Anon Information Service
Meeting Directory Editor