January 2025


District 20 & 21 Fall Workshops & Potluck

Last Fall, more than 80 members of our Al-Anon fellowship gathered at Queen Anne Lutheran Church to participate in a fall workshop and potluck, jointly organized by District 20 (Central Seattle) and District 21 (North Seattle).

Much serenity, experience, strength, and hope were shared and received, along with excellent food and snacks. We had the opportunity to catch up with folks we had not seen for more than five years, since a previous Districts 20 & 21 workshop held before COVID.

The workshop was organized around three sessions: 

  • Boundaries (reprised from the May 2024 SSA workshop by Nena T.)

  • Traditions (capably led by Beth C.)

  • Writing (with help from Denise A. and Suzanne H)

Each session was offered twice for 75 minutes each, giving ample time for sharing, and allowing people to attend two different sessions.

The two districts provided the initial funding to put on the workshop, and the seventh tradition contributions were so generous that the workshop ended up paying for itself.

Many, many thanks to the organizing committee, to the numerous volunteers from many of our local AFGs who helped set up and clean up, and to all the members who came and participated. What a fabulous day of fellowship! Looking forward to more in the future.

-Suzanne H.

-Poster for the Fall Workshops & Potluck 2024


Creative Connections
During COVID

Our Al-Anon fellowship quickly realized that gathering in person for meetings, sponsorship, and fellowship was indefinitely on hold due to the global pandemic. Groups and individuals found alternative ways to preserve this essential element of connection for quality recovery.

When the world went into lockdown, not only did we lose our indoor places to meet, even the parks were off limits. So, how to preserve this intimate spiritual partnership and community?

Online meetings in the virtual world soon became a way to keep existing groups alive, as well as the creation of new groups with an international draw. Individuals found social media, video conferencing, and phone calls to continue support for one another. Some even had parking lot tailgate meetings by backing up their vehicles in a circle to keep a safe, social distance.

Pre-pandemic, meeting weekly in-person with those I sponsor had been working before or after meetings, as well as conversations in restaurants and coffee shops, walks in the local parks, beaches, and neighborhoods or having a cup of tea in my home and garden.

As an artist and grateful, long-time member of Al-Anon, serving as a sponsor during the global pandemic evolved into a fascinating, creative experience. Each week, I set aside an hour of phone time for each of my sponsees. One of the ways I was able to stay focused with active listening was to make the call on speaker phone and sketch designs with colored pencils. I discovered that as I was tracking the conversation, beautiful images appeared that captured the essence of what the person was sharing. At the end of the call, I would take a photo of the creation and send it to them in a text. On many occasions, the art aligned in a visual way with what they had expressed.

Today’s gratitude is that we have the gift of choice to be connected in-person as well as in the virtual world. We will “keep coming back,” no matter what!

-Cynthia B.

—Artwork by Cynthia B.


When We Give Back in Love and Gratitude

If we don't nurture this program, it won't be self-supporting and available for future members in need. Service and sponsorship are cornerstones of the Al-Anon program. When we give back in love and gratitude, we deepen our program.

Service enhances our recovery. It can:

  • increase our self-confidence and self-esteem

  • help us get busy so we get better

  • offer opportunities for fun and fellowship

  • help us meet new Al-Anon friends and deepen relationships

  • give us new opportunities to practice using the Al-Anon spiritual principles

  • give us a greater understanding of the Al-Anon program and service structure

We are never alone when we take on a new service position. There are other members ready and willing to answer our questions, help and support us, and offer their experience, strength and hope. We do not need to be perfect; we just need willing hearts.

-Reprinted with permission from the December 2024 Scope, Pierce County Al-Anon Monthly Newsletter

How Al-Anon Information Service (AIS) Works

The PURPOSE of AIS is concurrent with that of Al-Anon as a whole, “…to help families of alcoholics…,” but the focus of its activities is on the Al-Anon Family Groups, specifically those in Districts 14-22, the Greater Seattle Area, rather than individuals.

The OBJECTIVES that guide AIS include:

  1. To cooperate with Groups and Districts to make the public aware of Al-Anon and Alateen

  2. To function as the public face of Al-Anon and Alateen

  3. To serve as a “clearinghouse” for activities and information related to Groups and Districts

  4. To serve as a communication center for Groups and Districts

  5. To serve as a Literature Distribution Center (LDC)

-Digested from Greater Seattle Al-Anon Intergroup Council Bylaws

Read on to hear about the work of two trusted servants who are finishing their terms. Are you willing to consider filling these positions?

Time for a New Volunteer
AIS Outreach Coordinator
Position Open for 2025

As your Seattle AIS Outreach Coordinator for almost two years, I have experienced so much intellectual, social and emotional growth as a direct result of my service. I have been busy and I have gotten better! I have learned about the Al-Anon program and service structure. I have accelerated and enhanced my own personal Al-Anon program, even though I have not had an active alcoholic in my life for many years.

I had the opportunity to meet and deepen my relationships with many wonderful people,

• I worked with an outside agency to continue campaigns using digital ads, bus and train posters (see the new one for 2025 below) and social media.

• I worked with District Reps, Group Reps and members

o while organizing tabling groups for events such as Recovery Day at the Mariners

o by creating an Outreach-In-A-Box program for groups and districts.

• I supported newcomers by sending packets of information by mail and electronically.

• I supported AIS Council members by attending monthly meetings on Zoom and by writing articles for this Newsletter to publicize Outreach opportunities and tools.

How much time did I spend? Probably 3 hours or less a week, on average. The late summer / early fall is the busiest time of year, as the Holiday Al-Anon Outreach ad campaigns run November through February. These campaigns are set up to run again on autopilot now! So, the next Outreach Coordinator can coast for at least a year (maybe more) by just repeating what has been done in the past.

I am writing this month to ask that you (yes, you), seriously consider nominating yourself as the new Outreach Coordinator for Seattle AIS so you, too, can experience all of these benefits for yourself. Check out the job description by clicking here and finding p. 12 Line 34 in the Standing Rules and Procedures’ Manual You can create, discuss and implement your own Outreach ideas with other Coordinators and the Council! I hope you consider it, and if you do, I will be available to support you! If interested, simply email Chair@seattle-al-anon.org.

-Solveig W.

Bus and Train Campaign Posters 2025

Time for a New Volunteer AIS Phone Coordinator
Position Open for 2025

The primary function of the phone volunteers is to ensure anyone calling or texting the Greater Seattle Area AIS (206-625-0000) makes contact with a person, to help them access the information they’re looking for.

I am the outgoing Phone Coordinator. My duties were to:

1. Train new phone volunteers

2. Email the shift sign-up spreadsheet for the upcoming month.

3. Tally calls/texts

4. Delete calls/texts from app, once they are recorded

5. Report on phone activity at monthly AIS Council Meetings (2nd Thursdays, @7:30pm, on Zoom).

Holding this year-long position has been some of the most satisfying service work I’ve ever performed in Al-Anon. I hope you consider stepping into my shoes.

AIS is entirely dependent on volunteers to operate. Rotation of service is critical to the wellbeing of our organization. New volunteers introduce fresh energy and ideas, and limiting terms prevents current volunteers from burnout.

I’ll only need about 90 minutes of your time to train you how to be the new Phone Coordinator–and I’ll be available as support, for as long as it takes for you to become confident in this role.

Please contact me at phones@seattle-al-anon.org

-Heather R.



Contact Phone Coordinator phones@seattle-al-anon.org or call/text 206-625-0000


Is your group not listed correctly in the meeting directories? Do you need to make group records changes?

In Person and Hybrid Groups Submit your correct information to WA Area by using the form on the WA Area website. You may have to log in first. If you don’t have an account, you will need to set one up. Click here.             

Online ONLY Groups Submit your correct information to WSO by using the Electronic Group Change form at al-anon.org. If this is the first time using that form, here are some handy instructions. Click here for the Electronic Meeting Change Form

AIS will be sent a copy of the changes by WA Area and by WSO via the Area Group Records Coordinator.

AIS will make the change as soon as possible. For Online ONLY groups, please allow up to 10 days for the change to appear on the AIS meeting directory. If your listing is correct on WA Area AND WSO, but not on AIS, please email meetingdirectoryeditor@seattle-al-anon.org.


Thursday, 7:00 – 8:00 PM Hope for Today AFG, name change to Hope for Today Snoqualmie AFG (11/24)

Wednesday, 7:00 – 8:30 PM Auburn Alateen Our Place, new meeting (11/24)

Sunday, 7:00 – 8:00 PM Covington Alateen, new meeting (11//27)

Wednesday, 4:00 – 5:00 PM Wednesday Alateen, new meeting (11/27)

Thursday 7:00 – 8:00 PM Hope for Today Snoqualmie, now a Hybrid meeting (12/10)

Sunday 7:00 – 8:00 PM Covington AFG, new meeting (12/10)

Wednesday 7:00 – 8:00 PM Sunset AFG, meeting is suspended (12/19)

Click here for Meeting Lists with full details


The next Council meeting is January 9, 2025 @ 7:30-9:00 pm. Check the AIS Information Page for the Zoom link. 


The next Board meeting is Thursday, January 16, 2025 @ 7:30-8:30 pm. Check the AIS Information Page for the Zoom link.  


What is AWSC?

Area World Service Committee (AWSC) This Committee consists of the officers of the Assembly, District Representatives, Coordinators and liaison members, who meet between Assemblies to discuss Area and District matters, plan the agenda for the Assembly, initiate projects and make recommendations to the Assembly. All Committee members may vote at the meetings of the Area World Service Committee.

  —“World Service Handbook” section of the 2022-2025 Al‑Anon/Alateen Service Manual, pages 140 and 138 

AWSC Meeting is on February 22, 2025 in Kent Washington.

Click here for more information


Click here to browse Events in the Greater Seattle Area

Events — Greater Seattle Al-Anon


Lois Birthday

March 8, 2025

St. Andrew's Lutheran Church, Bellevue


Anyone local to Seattle who is a newcomer and wants an individual newcomer packet (or in Spanish, too!), please submit your request via the New To Al-Anon page, or send an email to outreach@seattle-al-anon.org with the name and mailing address.


If you have never written an article for the Bits, please click here to find out how to do it.


If you are hesitating, please know that we will offer you guidance and provide a sounding board for your thoughts.

Please send in your articles, reflections, poetry and art to newslettereditor@seattle-al-anon.org.


For Once It Was No. Big. Deal.

You learn early on that you’re in the rooms for yourself; that Al-Anon is not for the alcoholic, but for those impacted, hurt and scarred by the dysfunction that addiction creates.

That’s all true. I’m in the program to take myself apart with a hard-but-gentle eye, and put myself back together without the anger, the judgement, the insecurity and pain – and with compassion and serenity instead.

But I am also in Al-Anon for my son.

Just as Step One taught me to accept that I was powerless over alcohol’s hold on my loved ones, I learned that I was powerless to reverse the damage I had done to the person I love the most in the world.

But I could change. And over 13 years, I think I have done that.

The true judge of that though, is my son, who refers to the person I was before program as “her,” or “she.”

“She” was an unpredictable, angry, rageful perfectionist who saw the world in black and white and who had to dig deep – or be reminded – to find compassion or patience.

My son’s childhood was spent walking on eggshells, crossing a minefield, never knowing whether I was going to hug him or judge him or simply explode. It was a tumultuous way to grow up.

As he got older, his resentment hardened, and it became almost sport for him to goad me, to press a button and watch me react. It confirmed my disease, and validated his distance.

But then one day I just didn’t react. Friends had come for dinner and my son and his father suggested we all sit around the coffee table and eat, rather than set the dinner table in my oh-so-perfect way.

“OK, that’s fine,” I told them, and turned back to the stove. They looked at each other, speechless. There was no battle. No heavy sighing or slamming things around. No one tensed up, or felt they had done something wrong. No new mistake added to the pile I had built for them both over the years.

For once, it was NO. BIG. DEAL. It didn’t have to be perfect, and I didn’t need to control.

There have been many moments like that since; times when my son wanted to get a new tattoo, or cook something, or listen to something, or go somewhere. I listen and say “OK,” and … that’s it.

That person I was? The person he expected me to be? She’s gone.

Along with my own serenity, my relationship with my son has been the greatest gift of Al-Anon. He and I are the best we have ever been. We both know it, we talk about it, we are grateful for it. Amazed, really.

It’s as if we got the last two seats on the last lifeboat off the Titanic. My codependence was sinking our journey as mother and son.

But just in time – and by the miracle of the 12 Steps, regular meetings and the experience, strength and hope of my Al-Anon community – we were saved. And we have started anew.

Just in time.

-Nicole B.

-Artwork Deborah V.

My Garden Flourishes, As Does My Life

This past year, I had occasion to downsize and move to a smaller condo. As many of you know, this is an opportunity to get rid of lots of stuff and simplify our lives. For some, as for me, there is also a sad aspect as we discard or pass on treasures collected over the years. The flipside for me of this move was to gain a wonderful terrace of 16 by 7 feet to grow flowers and herbs.

The previous owners had five large planter boxes in which they grew grasses year-round requiring minimal attention. I donated the grasses to the condo association garden committee and planted perennials and annuals to provide more color and variety. They did not do well because the soil did not retain water and drained quickly, great for grasses, but not for my plants which started dying out.

I deliberated in typical Al-Anon fashion. Was this something that I could not change, and did I have to accept or something that I could change? I decided to try. I emptied the planters completely into 6 huge plastic bins. After researching the options, I added compost, vermiculite, peat moss and manure to create a mix that I hoped would retain moisture better and encourage the plants to thrive especially on those rare hot days of summer in Seattle.

My father was a gardener by profession, mostly working on the estates of others, but also landscaping and growing vegetables at our family home. I remember his oft expressed advice that to be a successful gardener you needed to “provide a good home for the plants and let God take care of the rest”. I am happy to say that I took that advice to heart, rejoiced that my recipe worked, and I now have a lush garden of year-round perennials and spectacular annuals.

Later I came to realize that what I’ve done with my terrace garden is exactly what I have learned to do with the rest of my life, using the wisdom and courage attained through Al- Anon principles. I make “step wise” changes and provide a better home for the plant of my life and let my Higher Power do the rest. My garden flourishes, as does my life, with the serenity that has come from my actions. Some are very simple like changing the soil and some quite complex like changing myself. I am grateful to Papa and to my Higher Power for showing me the way to grow my gardens.

-Nick M.

-Photos by Nick M

Prayer Vigil


Al-Anon’s monthly magazine features timely sharing’s from Al-Anon and Alateen members, suggested meeting topics, and the latest information on worldwide Al-Anon recovery. Experience and insight you won’t find anywhere else!

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 We welcome your thoughts, reflection, comments and suggestions about anything that you have read or seen in this newsletter.  Please share them with us at newslettereditor@seattle-al-anon.org


Thank you for your donations and your support of AIS!

Our funding now comes primarily from:

  • Donations by Members, Groups, and Districts

  • Literature Sales

Please send all AIS mail, including checks for literature orders and donations, to:

Seattle AIS

505 Broadway E #400

Seattle, WA 98102-5023

Donate Now