February 2024
New AIS Website
by Teresa H
In November the AIS Communications committee received a surprise. When we tried to renew the email marketing service used for communicating with our BITS newsletter subscribers, we were informed the service was being discontinued. That provider was the same company we used for our website platform. Further investigation determined that the website service was not going to be updated going forward by the parent company. That meant that our website would lose functionality over time.
The Communications Coordinator Jackie T and the Communications committee along with the AIS Treasurer Gary H, AIS Tech Coordinator Pierre J, and I met to discuss the situation. We decided that since we had to change email services that we would move both the marketing service and the website service to a new provider. Research in advance of that meeting, along with the past experience of three of the four Communications editors with one of the other highly-rated providers was valuable in choosing a new provider.
We also had a deadline since we were losing our email marketing service at the end of December. Our Newsletter editor Clif H sped up the production of the January BITS so that the email notification could go out before the end of December. We needed to be on the new platform in time for the February BITS email notification. Our Web Editor Evelyn then took on the huge job of creating a website on the new platform. For those members not familiar with building websites, the old website could not simply be copied. It had to be built from scratch on the new platform. After many hours and late nights, the new website is up and running. If you are reading this newsletter on your computer or a device, you are on the new website.
The site address remains the same. You will see some changes from the old site, most obviously on the Events page. Our intention was not to make many big changes at this time. We will await a new Communications Coordinator before the committee possibly addresses more significant changes.
A big thanks to all who helped in this huge effort. The teamwork on this project has been phenomenal!
We are aware that the transition to the new website may not be perfect. Like many other aspects of our lives, this is a journey. Please provide comments and feedback on the new site to Communications@Seattle-Al-Anon.org.
Photo by Callie D
From The Forum
Why I Go To Al-Anon
People sometimes ask me why I still go to Al‑Anon since most of the alcoholics and addicts in my life are either in recovery or have died. I always tell them that I still need Al‑Anon because of our son’s drinking. Then, I tell them stories about the things he says and does that concern me. For example, for many years, his living room furniture included only a recliner and a TV. In my mind, the purpose of that setup was to allow him to play video games and drink until he fell asleep.
We were on a family vacation with our son recently, and I found myself counting his drinks. I knew exactly how many drinks he ordered at restaurants and how many cans of beer were in the refrigerator each morning and each evening. It finally struck me that maybe I’ve been defining the problem incorrectly.
For years, I’ve been saying the problem is his drinking. But maybe the problem is really my preoccupation with his drinking. In Al‑Anon, I’ve learned that I have no control over anyone else’s drinking. There’s nothing I can do to convince someone to stop drinking. But learning how to stop worrying and obsessing about someone else’s drinking is a problem Al‑Anon can help me solve.
By Denise R., Minnesota
The Forum, January 2024
Reprinted with permission of The Forum, Al‑Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc., Virginia Beach, VA.
Step Two
Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.
Donations support the AIS mission: thanks for a great 2023!
by Gary H, AIS Treasurer
Greater Seattle Area Al-Anon Information Service (AIS) was blessed to receive $15,430 in donations during 2023, exceeding by over $2000 both our expectations and the donations in the prior year.
AIS could not fulfill its mission without the generosity of groups, districts, donors at events, and individual donors. Robust donations in 2023 have supported the AIS Mission. We have been able to reach out to newcomers through a new two year, $5,000 per year Outreach Campaign consisting of placards on Sound Transit. We have continued as a Literature Distribution Center, selling literature to members both online and through bricks-and-mortar sales once per month at the Capitol Hill office. We have supported several Fellowship events including the Ice Cream Social. We have the resources to become more financially efficient by paying for annual rather than monthly technology subscriptions. We support a first-class website that serves 3000+ monthly visitors in the Greater Seattle Area and throughout the world.
Your donations are key to these achievements. While AIS’s literature sales do bring in a net income on paper ($4,600 on total sales of $28,000), that income does not completely cover the rent and technology costs necessary to support those sales. Donations are AIS’s main source of income.
A few details:
64 Groups donated a total of $12,486.
29 individuals donated a total of $1,431.
An additional $1,513 came in from Districts and Events, including the International Spanish Convention.
Thank you to our donors, 2023 was a great year!
Heard at a Meeting
It isn’t Service if what you are doing is upsetting others. It is more likely an attempt at control.
Tradition Two
For our group purpose there is but one authority—a loving God as He may express Himself in our group conscience. Our leaders are but trusted servants—they do not govern.
Need a Free Newcomer Packet?
Anyone local to Seattle who is a newcomer and wants an individual newcomer packet (or in Spanish, too!), please send an email to outreach@seattle-al-anon.org with the name and mailing address.
Has Your Meeting Changed?
Gone back to meeting in person
Become hybrid or concurrent
Has a new physical location
Made other changes that members need to know about
Has an alternate Holiday Schedule
Has disbanded
Please submit all meeting changes to the WA Area Group Records Coordinator by using the form at https://wa-al-anon.org/meeting-changes/
Changes and Updates are made Weekly.
(Seattle AIS is automatically cc'd in the change request)
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the Seattle AIS updated meeting schedule, please contact meetingdirectoryeditor@seattle-al-anon.org
2024 Washington Area Event Schedule
WINTER AWSC: February 24, Puyallup (D12)
PRE-CON: April 5-6
ASTAR: April 12-14
SSA: May 17-19
WAAC: July 19-21
AWSC: August 3
Concept of the Month
by Allen L
Concept Two
The Al-Anon Family Groups have delegated complete administrative and operational authority to their Conference and its service arms.
When I was a Group Representative (GR) we were discussing a topic before a vote at the Area Assembly and one member was adamant that all the group members should be involved in the group conscience. While this sounds like a good idea, in practice many members just didn't seem to care. In talking with my sponsor, he shared that in his experience most members just want to come to meetings and focus on their personal growth using the 12 Steps.
Reading the Al-Anon Service Manual I found my sponsor’s viewpoint supported in the section on Concept Two: “Also, we recognized that the average member, preoccupied with group life and personal Twelfth Step work, knew little if anything about Al-Anon’s worldwide activities. Few Al-Anon members realized how much their group membership and unity were due to the little-noticed activities of our headquarters office.”
Individual Groups elect a GR who carries the group conscience to the district and area meetings. District Representatives (DR) also represent all the groups in their district at the Area World Service Committee meetings. Area Delegates represent all the groups in that area at the World Services Conference (WSC). As a group member these are your representatives at the various support levels.
If each of us takes part in discussion and voting at our group meetings, then our GR can better represent the group at the district and area meetings. The Area Delegate represents the area to the World Service Conference. Our elected representatives and special workers use the authority DELEGATED by the members to ensure that the Al-Anon structure supports the individual groups and members.
I find a lot of comfort in the knowledge that, other than some minor wording differences, I can rely on finding Al-Anon at every meeting. This continuity is only possible because we all participate at each level through our elected representatives to keep Al-Anon centered on our “primary spiritual purpose”; helping the family and friends of alcoholics.
Concept Two
The Al-Anon Family Groups have delegated complete administrative and operational authority to their Conference and its service arms.
AIS Council Meeting
The next Council meeting is Thursday, February 8, 2024, 7:30-9:00 pm. Check the AIS website calendar (https://www.seattle-al-anon.org/events) for the zoom link.
AIS Board Meeting
Thursday, April 18th, 2024 at 7:00-8:30 pm. Check the AIS website calendar (https://www.seattle-al-anon.org/events) for the zoom link.
2024 Board Meeting Schedule
April 18 7:00 - 8:30 PM
July 18 7:00 - 8:30 PM
October 17 7:00 - 8:30 PM
“Just for Today…
…I will look for ways to enjoy life.” (Courage to Change, p. 274).
Last year I made a promise to myself to focus on my health and wellness. At first it was uncomfortable to make myself a priority. It forced me to recognize how much time, energy and mental bandwidth had been hijacked by the collateral damage of alcoholism.
Persistent automatic thoughts would pop up regarding the alcoholic and the well-worn pattern of acquiescing to their perceived wants and needs. When one is involved with an alcoholic, good personal qualities can spin out of balance and over function. Such as becoming “overly responsible.” This imbalance opens the door for the alcoholics in my life to transfer more of their responsibilities onto me.
Empathy and compassion are other admirable qualities. However, over identifying with someone else’s pain can be draining and doesn’t seem to benefit the other person, anyway. I would get pulled into the alcoholic’s skewed perceptions and victim mentality.
As I was able to gain some healthy emotional distance, I could make better choices of when to get involved. Observing and not absorbing the emotions and behaviors of the alcoholic also helped me to maintain better boundaries. Responding instead of reacting.
Another virtue that can turn into a curse is conscientiousness. I can play the movie forward and see what will happen if something doesn’t get done. However, now I try to determine if this “thing” is on my side of the street, or not?
Photo by Callie D
The alcoholics around me seem to prioritize having “a good time,” often leaving unfinished tasks behind. Meanwhile, I felt compelled to mop up the mess, putting my own priorities on the back burner. Now, I try to focus on my own obligations.
This year I am “looking for ways to enjoy life.” I am investing in former hobbies and trying out new ones. I am caring less about what people think of me. I am allowing imperfection and being more spontaneous. As I let go of what isn’t mine, I am embracing the freedom to explore my options.
My mind was constantly preoccupied with finding solutions to all the issues that were created and exacerbated by alcoholism. I find by limiting my exposure to the chaos and insanity, I am able to relax and think more clearly. My sense of humor is reemerging, and life does not feel so heavy.
As I was working on a project recently, I just lost myself in the creative process. It had been so long since I had been “in the zone,” where time disappears and I become fully engaged in the present moment. A welcoming mindset for serenity! I believe this is how God intended life to be lived!
Subscribe to The Forum
Al-Anon’s monthly magazine features timely sharing’s from Al-Anon and Alateen members, suggested meeting topics, and the latest information on worldwide Al-Anon recovery. Experience and insight you won’t find anywhere else!
January 2024 AIS Council Meeting Minutes (Summary, not yet approved)
Seattle Al-Anon Information Service Council Minutes January 11, 2024 7:30-9:00 pm
Meeting opened at 7:30 pm by Dave M - Chair
In attendance: 18 attendees
Serenity Prayer
Readings: Concept 1 - Clif H
Secretary Report: Kathy K Report of the November Minutes
Approval of November minutes: Heather R moved that the November Council Meeting minutes be accepted as presented. Gary seconded. Motion Passed.
Chair Report: Dave M
Area and Electronic Meetings changes and impact on AIS:
The districts are still working on the process of criteria for admittance and AIS will wait to hear from the districts. This will impact AIS in terms of the meeting directory. Dave has heard from Yvette in Area that decisions will be deferred to AWSC in Feb., so probably it won’t be until Mar. 2024. There is no real activity needed by AIS and we are just waiting for more information.
Open Positions: Arden has stepped up to take the Vice Chair position.
Action Item: It was moved by Dave and seconded by Gary that Arden be elected to Vice Chair. Motion passed with 1 abstention.
The Communications Coordinator position is still open. Teresa H is acting as interim Coordinator but a permanent coordinator is needed. Contact Dave M or Teresa H if interested and it is requested to provide the information to our groups.
Treasurer’s Report: Gary H
Financial reports: Seattle AIS remains financially stable.
Outreach: We have paid Sound Transit $5,000.00 for the current 2023/2024 campaign. We signed the contract for two years so this expense is known and will cost $5000 again for the 2024/2025 campaign.
Vice Chair Report: Dave M
The December office opening was handled with two volunteers as Dave was ill. It was decided that 3 people are needed to sign up in case one person can’t make it. Five people attended and they sold some literature and there was good fellowship. Mary asked if we should have a sign up sheet to fill holes in scheduling and Dave will look into that.
Coordinator Reports:
Phones: Heather R
It was a slow month with 38 calls and 30 (79%) were Al-Anon related, the highest percentage for the entire year. 75% of calls were between 9 am and 5 pm weekdays. Eight calls were received on the weekend. There were also four voice messages and four texts received in December and all were responded to. There are currently 10 volunteers but she is training 2 new volunteers and she is continuing to train as the new Phone Coordinator. The shifts are 3 hour blocks.
LDC: Mary R
WSO is still out of the new daily reader and LDC is not taking any new orders. They will announce it in the BITS and website when it is available which is hopefully soon. They have a nice inventory with strong sales. Two members have stepped up to be home and office volunteers and will be trained.
Communications: Teresa H
The Coordinator position is open, and Teresa is reporting for the Committee. There are two positions open and she outlined the four member Committee titles and job descriptions. She is requesting we take this information back to groups in order to help with recruiting. In the past, all the editors were separate Coordinators but it has been consolidated to follow the principles of the program.
1. The Communication Coordinator’s main job is to be a clearing house for all emails sent to Communications and making sure the content is in alignment with our Al-Anon goals. Technical skills are not needed.
2. Meeting Director Editor position is open. We use the AIS Microsoft 365 Word document to make changes and then it is uploaded to the website. This position does not require any website experience.
3. Web Editor is now open. Evelyn will stay through the first quarter to help train the new volunteer.
4. Events Editor is Shannon and she will continue this position. She is responsible for posting flyers and had created a calendar for all 2024 events so there is no double scheduling. It shows all AIS events, district meetings, area events and speaker meetings.
5. Newsletter Editor is Clif H who is continuing this year and is the editor of the BITS. He needs all articles sent to him by the 20th of each month.
There is a new website platform moving from Weebly due to changes in their platform eliminating Weebly Promote that we use to send out email blasts. We are changing to Square Space which does have this function. The committee hopes to get this change made by the end the month of January in order to get the BITS out. We should not see any changes to the website and difficulties are not anticipated.
Tech: Pierre J
There is a new password for the office computer and he recommends all officers update their passwords. He is providing help for the website transition but Evelyn and Teresa are doing a great job. There are occasional emails bouncing back often involving Comcast. He requests all new AGR/GR send him their contact info to make sure you receive Council emails.
Outreach: Solveig W
The Sound Transit ad campaign approved by Council in Oct. was reviewed and is currently running. The ads are in both English and Spanish and will run from mid Nov. to early February on 90 buses and trains. We will be able to track the QR code activity in January. The QR code directs people directly to a newcomer page which is unique to the QR code. Phone calls will also be directed. We are committed to two years of campaign. The actual ads are 11x17 and can be printed out by AFGs to use for their own outreach if desired.
She is also mailing newcomers packets, bookmarks when requested. She sent out an outreach bundle to any group requesting this fall for free and did have one group requesting. She has done outreach to a new meeting in Kent as well as ICE detention center.
Old Business:
The December potluck at the office was well attended and had great food.
New Business:
Lois Birthday Celebration on March 2 with cake and ice cream.
By consensus we agreed to have this again. Heather R will bake cakes and bring ice cream. Solveig will advertise in the February BITS.
Seventh tradition
Next Council Meeting
Next meeting will be Feb. 8, at 7:30 PM
Next Board Meeting
January 18, 2024
Adjournment: Al-Anon Declaration
Meeting adjourned at: 8:54 pm
Respectfully submitted by:
Kathy K
Thank you for your donations and your support of AIS!
Our funding now comes primarily from:
Donations by Members, Groups, and Districts
Literature Sales
Please send all AIS mail, including checks for literature orders and donations, to:
Seattle AIS
505 Broadway E #400
Seattle, WA 98102-5023
And More ...
MEETING SCHEDULE: Registered Al-Anon groups in the Greater Seattle Area. Hybrid, Concurrent, and in-person meetings are listed.
Please visit our Member Resources section for the most up-to-date information on:
List of AIS Officers and Coordinators
Where to Send Donations
District Representatives and Business Meeting Information
AIS Financial Information
Meeting News
News from the Meeting Directory Editor
No meeting changes were received since those reported in the January BITS.
Seattle Al-Anon Information Service
Meeting Directory Editor